• date_range September 25, 26 and 27, 2019
  • location_on The Union League Club - New York, NY

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Two Days to Take on Latin America and the Caribbean’s Most Pressing Challenges

September 26, 2019

This week New York–one of the most difficult cities to drive a car or walk around in—hosted some of the most important political and social events of the year within the framework of the UN General Assembly. It was also the site of the II Global Forum Latin America and the Caribbean. In her opening remarks to kick off the event, Natasha Despotovic, executive director for the Global Foundation for Democracy and Development described the Global Forum as two days “to take on Latin America and the Caribbean’s most pressing challenges.”

The Global Forum brings together Latin America and the Caribbean’s most important sociopolitical and academic leaders: a total of 40 international experts, among them heads of State, former ministers, high representatives from regional and international institutions and members of prestigious think-tanks and academic institutions, who will discuss and develop proposals that contribute to a region with equality.

“Is democracy in crisis? Are we approaching a recession? What have we learned from recent political crises?” are among the questions that panelists will attempt to answer to develop greater understanding of the challenges that the region faces, said Despotovic.

Kevin Casas Zamora, former vice-president of Costa Rica and general secretary of International IDEA, the co-organizing institution alongside GFDD/Funglode pointed out that “the last generation’s great achievement for Latin America, which was developing imperfect but real democratic systems, is fading away.”

“Now is the time that we start to ask ourselves how we want the following decade to be,” maintained Casas Zamora.

More information about the Global Foundation for Democracy and Development.

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